

We conduct Arduino workshops where we teach the hardware and software pieces of Arduino. We have multiple projects to choose from, we have introductory classes to children who have no experience and more complex projects for those who have completed our introductory sessions.

Problem Solving

In this approach, the emphasis is to solve the problem on a paper by breaking down the program into steps, converting them to a visual representation using flowcharts and later on we see them in action on computers. The idea here is to teach programming using paper and pen where the children are encouraged to solve problems without developing a dependency on computers.


We conduct lessons to teach programming with Python. Our approach is to teach them using examples that are simple and progressively moving on harder concepts. In our Python workshops, our students learn how to program and have fun by creating games like Tic-Tac-Toe.


We have step by step curriculum that teaches programming with Java. We teach using examples that are simple and easy to understand. We focus on making STEM interesting, not intimidating. In our Java workshops, our students learn how to program and have fun.

Obstacle Detector using Arduino!

This is an obstacle detector built in our Arduino workshops!

Want to learn how to detect obstacle and react to it? Well here you’ve got the perfect workshop on how to do so! In our Arduino workshop, our students learn the simple steps needed to turn a buzzer and LED on when an obstacle is detected and turn it back off when it moves away.

Programming is fun!

This is a sample run Tic Tac Toe game written in our Java workshop.

Programming is not monotonous. We make our workshops interesting by bringing in fun ideas. In our Java and Python workshops, our students learn how to program and have fun.